Calming the Chaos

Book Title Calming the Chaos:  A Soulful Guide to Managing Your Energy Rather Than Your Time by Jackie Woodside, CPC, LICSW
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 232 pages
Genre:   Self Help / Personal and Professional Growth / Motivational / Time Management / Business Success through Personal Management 
Publisher:  Next Century Publishing 
Release date: April 7, 2015 
Available for review in:  Print & PDF
Will send books:  USA and Canada
Tour dates: June 1 to 26
Content Rating:  PG

Learn the step-by-step skills and thought processes

that lead to increased productivity and peace of mind

Far too many people in contemporary culture feel they don’t have enough time to “get it all done.” The stress of this chronic overwhelm creates a disorganized mind that leads to a chaotic life. Based on her highly acclaimed “Energy Management” workshops, and drawn from over 25 years of counseling and coaching experience, professional trainer and speaker Jackie Woodside shares her breakthrough methods that lead to becoming the least stressed, most productive person you know!

In Calming the Chaos, you will learn the step-by-step skills and thought processes that lead to increased productivity and peace of mind. Jackie’s approach stems from the new frontier of human performance called energetic consciousness. Part philosophy, part psychology, fully practical application, you will learn:

• Why there is no such thing as time management and what to do instead.
• How to manage your energy instead of your time and stress.
• The three-step formula for managing every component of your life for the rest of your life!
• Why “to-do lists” are a set up for failure and what really works.
• “The Three Strikes Rule” that will end procrastination for good!
• How to always know that you have the time for what you want and need to do!

Many books promise to change your life. Applying these principles will make this a reality!

Buy the Book:

Author's Website
Barnes & Noble

This book is both practical and philosophical. It starts as a book about managing time and becoming aware of what results the busyness in your live is really generating. Overall, the book helps the reader to change thoughts which in turn change behaviors which change one's experience. There is a lot of theory discussed with good points shared. The excellent quotes at the beginning of each section should be noted and considered. 
In the end, it is the reader who must take action on the advice. 

The book begins with the question of the reader's thought (and words) on the concept of time.
Next, it address energy and discusses how energy is perceived across cultures. There is a satisfying discussion of vibrational energy and levels of consciousness, a topic that can be batted around for a lifetime.
If you read with an open mind and shift only a behavior or two, I am willing to bet that before you are halfway through this book you will notice and experience life changes worth more than the cost of Jackie Woodside's book.

Believe it or not, every human being gets the same amount of time daily. 
Energy is not so evenly distributed.
To get a larger share, you must create and work with your "compelling why."
By section four, the reader must take action. Adjust your thinking and put your energy to work with purpose.
Section six may be the most difficult as you have to dig deep within and acknowledge your core values that give your life purpose and passion, MEANING.
Commitment and accountability with continued practice are required to succeed.

We can not all hire Jackie to hold our hand and keep us focused on the process.
This book goes a long way towards giving the reader an understanding and getting started.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I will be referring back to it as I do the exercises

 #PeaceofMind  #CalmingChaos 

Meet the author:

Jackie Woodside, CPC, LICSW is a psychotherapist, coach, speaker and author, specializing in the power of managing personal energy, rather than time or stress. An Amazon bestselling author of 'What If It’s Time for a Change?' and highly sought-after speaker on leadership and empowerment topics, Jackie conducts training programs for public, private and government sectors nationwide.

Connect with Jackie:  Website  ~  Twitter   ~  Facebook


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